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A fire risk assessment involves an inspection of your premises to determine the adequacy of the existing fire precautions and the need for any additional measures.

The inspection will also incorporate fire safety management in the organisation and consideration including the human risk and how people will respond to an emergency. 


There are practical limits to the extent of the survey and evaluation of the fire precautions. For example, in undertaking a fire risk assessment, we will not carry out detailed engineering evaluation or testing of fire protection systems, emergency escape lighting, etc. though we would inspect the systems visually. Where appropriate, we would identify the need for any further engineering evaluation.

The survey of the construction of your premises would extend to easily accessible areas of the building only.


While we may inspect above false ceilings, where possible, this would be on a non -evasive way only.  If we considered that a more thorough examination of such areas was necessary, we would highlight this to you.


Our fire risk assessments are primarily for the purpose of life safety in your premises, however, where necessary the fire risk assessment can also contain measures to avoid business interruption from fire and property protection from fire.

Give us a call today for more information on 0161 900 1466 or email us:

The scope of the survey involved in a fire risk assessment would include the following aspects of fire safety:

  • Fire loss experience

  • Fire hazards.

  • Fire prevention.

  • Storage and handling of flammable liquids and gases.

  • Housekeeping.

  • Means of escape.

  • Compartmentation.

  • Flammability of linings.

  • Emergency escape lighting.

  • Fire safety signs and notices.

  • Fire detection and fire alarm systems.

  • Fire extinguishing systems and appliances.

  • Smoke control systems.

  • Facilities for use by the fire and rescue service.

  • Arrangements for management of fire safety.

  • Fire procedures.

  • Training and drills.

  • Testing and maintenance.

  • Records.


Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, all employers must do a fire risk assessment. But you don’t have to do it alone...


Call HSAW Limited to get fast advice on how to protect your people and your property from fire.


You’ll learn everything you need to know about how HSE fire safety rules affect you. And you’ll find out how to do a quick, safe and professional fire risk assessment for your business.

Not sure where to start? 

Once fire hazards have been identified, you then need to look at the people at risk. This is the point where you ask yourself three important questions;

  • Can my employees react quickly to a fire or an alarm?

  • Is anyone (employees, visitors or contractors) working in a high fire risk area?

  • Could a fire outbreak impact any other occupants, tenants or those in the vicinity?

Once you have your answers, you may need to conduct a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for each resident if you are a provider for residential care. This may be overwhelming for you which is why we’ve broken it down into stages to take away that added pressure and provide you with a guide to be efficient and safe.

Now you have identified the potential fire hazards, you must then look at the required fire measures which are;

  • fire detection and warning

  • means of escape

  • provision of fire-fighting equipment

A great way to assess the fire measures by carrying out a fire drill. This will indicate if your employees have adequate training, if exit routes are easily visible and if fire safety equipment is stored in the correct place and can be used correctly.

This then takes you to the next step which is putting training and emergency plans in place. As an employer, you need to establish who liaises with the fire safety services as your responsible person.

Providing your people with training resources such as online courses or safety posters allows them to protect themselves and others in the event of an emergency. Using simple online templates for; fire risk assessments, evacuation plans, equipment, drills and training will take a huge weight off your shoulders and reassure you that your people are prepared.

Our expert consultants will help to put your fire procedures in place and then train your team in how to use them to stay safe in the risk of a fire. We have a vast range of free resources for you at your dispense. 

A great way to keep your business safe and compliant is by regularly going through a checklist of the above and we have create the checklist for you.

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